For just $230 you can send a child in our community to school for a whole year! That’s less that $20 a month and can make a significant difference in the life of a child! If you are interested in seeing our students needing a sponsorship, check out the "Meet Our Students" page!
How You Can Help
Here's a breakdown of how your $230 sponsorship helps keep a student in school for a whole year!
Food: $30
Each day we feed the students lunch, as most of them cannot afford to bring or purchase their own
Staff: $135
We employ 6 teachers full time, as well as a teacher’s aid for the younger students, 2 full time cooks, and our principal
School Supplies: $20
Textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, writing utensils, and other needed supplies
Uniform: $20
We arrange for the sewing and production of each students individual school uniform -which is a requirement in Haiti
Building Maintenance: $35
Chair and desk repair and purchase as needed, painting, cleaning, etc
Total: $230
Sponsorship Breakdown
Annually, you as the sponsor will receive a letter and a photo of the student you are sponsoring. Updates are sent out via email. You will also receive a biannual school newsletter.
Keeping You Posted